109 York Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325


Committees comprised of St. James members oversee and carry out a multitude of tasks, covering a wide range of interests and services.

All committee work is approved and guided by the St. James Congregation Council. Church members are welcome to serve on most committees. If you are interested in serving on a committee, please reach out to the committee chair or contact the church office.

Art & Design Committee

Chair, Becky Brown

The mission of the Art and Design Committee is to maintain the décor of the church so that it is conducive to worship.

Christian Education Committee

Chair, Julie Dunlop

The mission of the Christian Education Committee is to teach the Good News of Jesus Christ in this congregation, providing diverse opportunities for learning for Christians of all ages.

Early Learning Center Governance Committee

Chair, Barbara Vossler

The Child Care Governance Committee ensures that the Child Care Center carries out its mission.  The primary responsibility of the Committee is to recommend policies and plans of the Child Care Center to the Congregation Council.

Evangelism Committee

Chair, Anne Gomer

The Evangelism Committee encourages members of the congregation to reach out to others in the community.

Finance Committee

Chair, Cathy Haynes

The mission of the Finance Committee is to further the mission of St. James Lutheran Church by reviewing and reporting on its financial resources and expenditures.

History & Archives Committee

Chair, David Flesner

The mission of the History and Archives Committee is to preserve, protect, and maintain the permanently valuable archival records of St. James Lutheran Church and to oversee the development of historical interpretations of the life of the congregation.

Library Committee

Chair, David Flesner

The mission of the Library Committee is to build, maintain, and make accessible a useful and meaningful collection of Christian materials that reaches out to all ages.

Mission Fund Committee

Chair, Claire Anderson

The purpose of the Mission Fund Committee is to solicit suggestions from members of the congregation about organizations or programs to be considered for support, to evaluate the suggestions, and to make specific recommendations to Congregation Council for the distribution of monies in the Mission Fund to support the local and worldwide mission of the church.

Mission Support Committee

Chair, Jan Keefer

The mission of the Mission Support Committee is to further the mission of St. James Lutheran Church through the encouragement of individual discipleship and the faithful use of time, talents, and resources.

Property Committee

Chair, Brad Smith

The mission of the Property Committee is to maintain, improve and keep up the church and associated properties.

Kitchen Committee, a subcommittee of Property

Chair, Lyne Aurand

The mission of the Kitchen Committee is to provide a safe kitchen with simplistic functionality for all groups using the kitchen.

Landscape Committee, a subcommittee of Property

Chair, Lyne Aurand

The mission of the Landscape Committee is to engage the St. James community in the stewardship and beautification of the church landscape.

Social Ministry Committee

Chair, Priscilla Shuba

The mission of the Social Ministry Committee is to reach out into the congregation and community to identify social needs and to respond with faithful ministries.

World Outreach Committee

Chair, Claire Anderson

The mission of the World Outreach Committee is to act on behalf of the congregation in supporting and advancing the work of faith, active in love, in locations outside of the United States.  The committee fulfills this responsibility according to the word proclaimed in Mark 16:15 and Matthew 25:40.

Worship & Music Committee

The Worship and Music Committee assists the Staff and Council in planning and evaluating the worship services of the church, so that they are conducted regularly, in accordance with the liturgical practices of the ELCA.

Youth Ministry Committee

Chair, Kyle Smith

The mission of the Youth Ministry Committee is to provide extensive ministry opportunities for the youth of St. James Lutheran Church.


Committee Motion Request Form for Council