109 York Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325

First Communion

Holy Communion is one of two sacraments for Lutherans (the other being Baptism).

In Holy Communion, also called the Eucharist, Lutherans recall the saving acts of God through Word, bread and wine, and are connected with Christ and with Christians of all times and places. In this sacrament we are fed with the Body and Blood of Christ.

At St. James, Holy Communion is celebrated at all worship services. There is no set age for receiving first communion at St. James. Parents are encouraged to consider God’s gift of Holy Communion for all ages and contact a pastor or the church office when they feel their own child is ready. For some, this may be at age three or earlier.

When your child is ready to receive Communion, there are a number of ways to prepare them and your family. St. James offers a video called Fed & Forgiven to help explain the significant of Communion. We also have a workbook A Place for You: My Holy Communion Book for you to work through with your child. During this time of preparation, it’s also a wonderful opportunity to request a meeting with a pastor – for them to get to know you and your child, and to answer any final questions.