Nearly all sermons preached at St. James are archived into the St. James Sermon Blog.
Visiting the Sermon Blog online allows you to view all sermon posts back to March 2010 and to subscribe to receive email updates whenever a new sermon is posted. Here’s a glimpse at the most recent two sermons published there:
Faith – Never a question, always the answer
Isaiah 6:1-8, Luke5:1-11 In addition to Valentines Day – that one day out the year we get to express our love to that special someone – February has been a time set aside to celebrate Black History Month. Not just here in the United States, but across Canada as well. Ireland and the U.K. doing … More Faith – Never a question, always the answer
St. James, Why are You Here?
In the summer of 1947, Jacqueline Lee Bouvier traveled to the Clambake Club in Newport, Rhode Island for her presentation to proper society. That year, Jackie was named “Queen Debutante of the Year”. Igor Cassini, said of Jackie, This year for the first time since our predecessor selected Brenda Frazier as the Queen of Glamour, … More St. James, Why are You Here?
Online Worship Services
Click the play button to watch the most recent worship service at St. James. You can also visit our YouTube Channel to peruse all of our online worship services, plus special features by our Youth.

Andrew Geib

Libby Baker-Mikesell