109 York Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325

Connect with St. James

The best way to get in touch with the staff, is to call us at 717-334-2012, or to email us directly. Check out the Staff Page for our emails and direct extensions.

The church office and building is busy throughout the week. Feel free to drop by the office to speak with someone, but making an appointment is appreciated too! There is parking behind the church, and the door to the office suite is at the rear of the building.

Additional Means of Communication

Prayer Request

Please submit a Prayer Request Form. Pastor Andrew and other staff members will receive your request.

We welcome all ages to be baptized. You can submit a Baptism Form to start the conversation with Pastor Andrew and plan the baptism.

Baptism Form

We welcome all to actively participate in St. James Lutheran Church’s services and activities. If you feel called to make St. James your church home, complete a Membership Form to express your interest, and Pastor Andrew will be in touch with you.

Youth Group

There is something for all ages, grades Kindergarten thru High School. Check out our Youth page to learn more about Youth Group, activities & events. Faith. Fun. Fellowship.

The St. James Early Learning Center provides child care and early development care for birth thru school age. Learn more about the Early Learning Center.

Early Learning Center
Building Use

St. James Lutheran Church is a church for the community and we welcome others to utilize our building – especially for support groups and other community organizations/meetings. If you are interested in utilizing our building, please review our Facilities Use Policy and Application Form.