109 York Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325

Congregational Vitality Survey

St. James Family,

You have heard us share in our announcements over these past weeks about our engagement with Pastor Nathan Swenson-Reinhold, as a consultant journeying with us in a process around church growth.  At a time when organized religion across denominations finds itself in a state of decline, we continue to have visitors in worship and bring in new members. 

Our hope is to build on this momentum – that this process will help us to identify how we can better serve our community and reach out to those in need of a church home.  The survey included below is the first step in this process. It is critical that we hear from each of you – not as a household but as an individual. 

Before we follow Christ’s command to make disciples, we must first understand who we are as members of the Body of Christ.  Please take the time to share your thoughts and encourage others to do the same.

With love,
Pastor Andrew

Thank you for participating in this Congregational Vitality Survey for St. James Lutheran Church!

As we grow and thrive and gain momentum again as a congregation post-COVID, we are working to gain insight into congregational energy, vitality, and sense of purpose.  

The survey is anonymous. Your candid responses will be critical to making the best decisions we can for our church and the community we serve.  The survey will take about 15 minutes to complete in most cases.  Each individual in the household is invited to complete the survey.  We will send you periodic reminders via email to complete the survey, and the deadline for the survey is Wednesday, July 5.

Thank you for your love of our Lord, for your love of our Church, and for your love of our community! Your responses matter!

The Congregational Vitality Task Force

Jim Dunlop
Carole Smith  
Tom Uhlig  
Pastor Andrew Geib
Katy Clowney, church administrator
Pastor Nathan Swenson-Reinhold, consultant