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Holy Land Pilgrimage Information Session
July 17, 2022 @ 9:30 am - 10:30 am

Beloved in Christ,
Somethings might bear repeating, I am hoping this may be one of them.
I would like to invite you to join Pastor Geib, Pastor Khader El-Yateem, (a native of Bethlehem, and Director of Evangelism for the Florida-Bahama Synod, ELCA) and myself on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Those of us who live in or around Gettysburg know the value of “being on the field.” While there are so many informative works to read about the battle, it is just not the same as being there to experience Little Roundtop, Devil’s Den, the Angle, or even the Cyclorama. We can read about them all in great detail, but until you stand there… We get it.
This land, its culture and history are where the “Word made flesh” lived, taught, died, and was raised. Like standing on our battlefield, imagine visiting the fields where tradition tells us shepherds watched their flocks that night, singing carols in the caves where they sheltered. We will visit Cana, where Jesus first miracle supported a wedding celebration. There wedding vows are renewed and offer our prayers for those spouses no longer with us. Walking through Capernaum — the center of Jesus’ ministry we find the home of Peter’s mother-in-law, see the first century floor of the synagogue where Jesus most certainly taught. There is a chance to dip toes in the Sea of Galilee and share a ride on the Sea to get a sense of the size of this body of water that supplies much of the water for Israel and Palestine. We will walk among the olive trees of Gethsemane that are the current generation from roots that may well have heard Jesus Maundy Thursday prayers. In Jerusalem’s Old City, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher holds Golgotha and Jesus’ tomb. Then there are the remains of Herod’s Caesarea Maritima, a chance to offer your own prayers at the Western Wall (about as close as we can get to the Holy of Holies from the temples that once marked the spot – where God resided for some). And should you join us for the extension to Jordan, there is exploring ancient Jordanian cities Jerash and Petra, a world heritage site. (The latter had a major role in the Indiana Jones Movie, “The Last Crusade.)
The hospitality we find throughout this pilgrimage, belies the complexity of the politics of Israel and Palestine. We stay in Bethlehem where we will see and experience firsthand how the conflicts and the occupation affects the daily life of the residents of Palestine, many part of the remaining and sadly dwindling Christian community.
So, come join us on this “pilgrimage,” it will change forever your relationship to the stories of our faith. You will never read or hear them in the same way. We know standing there does make a difference. Join us on Sunday, July 17 at 9:30 a.m. and bring your questions and consider coming along next February.
With our prayers,
Pastor Michael
Holy Land Pilgrimage: February 6-16, 2023 June Messenger Article
Pilgrimage Registration and Details (please note: credit card payment is accepted on this website, however credit card processing fees are extremely high. Please consult with Pastor Michael prior to registering.)