109 York Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325

Being Church

We are called to BE church, and showing up is the best way to start.

so we, who are many, are one body in Christ, and individually we are members one of another.

Romans 12: 5 (NRSV)


We welcome all to actively participate in all St. James Lutheran Church’s services and activities. If you feel called to call St. James your church home, we invite you to have a conversation with Pastor Andrew about what it means to be a member and how to join.


Members of St. James are passionate about volunteering and our involvement in our community. We are known for their faithful, loving commitment to lifting up others in the congregation, in the local community, and globally around the world. How would you like to participate and give your time & talents?

Donation Collections

As part of our mission, we are very involved with and giving to organizations and non-profits, both locally and globally. Throughout the month and year we have special donation opportunities to give to those in need.