Common Ground Recovery Worship Service
April 7 @ 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

The First Monday of the Month
6:30 p.m. in the Music Room
GATHERING of people connected to 12-step recovery
and ANYONE who seeks wholeness in their lives.
Everyone is in RECOVERY from something.
In early 2024, members of St. James traveled to Wyomissing, PA to attend a Common Ground Recovery Worship Service. The group really felt that there was a need & purpose to share this unique worship opportunity at St. James. Common Ground originated in Wyomissing, and Pastor Tom Scornavacchi has had numerous conversations with Pastor Andrew and has graciously shared their worship service bulletin and other resources to help plan Common Ground Gettysburg.
We are excited of this new worship opportunity and hope to see you at this monthly worship service!
Directions & Parking Availability
St. James is a Reconciling In Christ congregation; All are Welcome!
Our facility is handicapped accessible. Please click the link above for additional information.