109 York Street, Gettysburg, PA 17325

The Messenger – Oct 2013

The Messenger – Oct 2013

Click here for a PDF version of The Messenger (easier to download/print)

MUSINGS from Pastor Mike

[to muse (myooz), v. to think, gaze, or say wonderingly]

“Forgiven and Invited to Live and Love Like Jesus!”

“Jesus inspires and disarms and confuses whoever he chooses to hear his voice” (John L. Bell). We just completed an exciting, challenging and comforting four-week preaching series lifting up our new Mission Statement. Using the themes, “Forgiven and Invited, “Provocative Preacher,” “Itinerant Teacher,” and “Outsider’s Choice,” we have called forth the curious faith in all of us leading to a new desire for mission!

It reminds me of a poem by Mark Nepo. Mark is a cancer survivor, so he strikes close to my heart. He writes:

They say that miners in South America strap small lamps around their chests

–that this works better than the light coming from the center of your head.

They say the head can be fooled, but the heart can’t turn without the body.

This makes me think of you digging your way through your long life,

–lighting everything with your heart.

It’s a good way to live. And when we sit at the end of the day,

our hearts illumine the day and we see each other in its radiance.

I can tell, it reminds you of many circles you’ve been a part of. It’s a good way to measure time.

To make our way on earth by the light coming from our heart—this is what you’ve taught us.

Is it any wonder that what you touch, including us, glows.

From my musing point of view, as we dig our way through our long lives, when our hearts illumine our day and we see each other in this radiance, when we illumine the earth by the light coming from our hearts, what is this other than…..to live and love like Jesus?

Mark Nepo. Reduced to Joy. 2013. P. 49.


Pentecost 20, October 5 & 6

  • Worship Services: Saturday at 5:30 pm and Sunday at 8:15 am and 10:45 am
  • Readings: Habakkuk 1:1–4; 2:1–4, Psalm 37:1–9, 2 Timothy 1:1–14, Luke 17:5–10
  • First Sunday Fellowship at 9:15 am; hosted by our Finance and Stewardship Committees.
  • Items collected at all services benefit local food pantries; under the auspices of Social Ministry.
  • Sunday School for all ages from 9:30-10:30 am.

Pentecost 21, October 12 & 13 – STEWARDSHIP WEEKEND

  • Guest Preacher: The Rev. Dr. Marty Stevens
  • Worship Services: Saturday at 5:30 pm and
  • Sunday at 8:15 am and 10:45 am – WATERLIFE FAMILY SERVICE
  • Readings: Genesis 1:26-31, Psalm 65: 9-13, 1 Peter 4: 8-11, Luke 9:12-17
  • Sunday School for all ages from 9:30-10:30 am.

Pentecost 22, October 19 & 20

  • Worship Services: Saturday at 5:30 pm and Sunday at 8:15 am and 10:45 am
  • Readings: Genesis 32:22–31, Psalm 121, 2 Timothy 3:14—4:5, Luke 18:1–8
  • New Day Worship and Sunday School for adults from 9:30-10:30 am.

Reformation, October 26 & 27

  • Worship Services: Saturday at 5:30 pm and Sunday at 8:15 am and 10:45 am
  • Readings: Jeremiah 31:31–34, Psalm 46, Romans 3:19–28, John 8:31–36
  • Prayers for Healing will be offered at the conclusion of all worship services.
  • Sunday School for all ages from 9:30-10:30 am.

STEPHEN MINISTERS ARE LAY PEOPLE – CHRISTIAN MEN AND WOMEN – trained to provide one-on-one care to people experiencing a difficult time in their life, such as grief, divorce, job loss, chronic or terminal illness, relocation, or separation due to military deployment. Stephen Ministers come from all walks of life. What is their commonality? A passion for bringing Christ’s love and care to people during a time of need. Since 1975, more than 600,000 people from more than 11,000 congregations and other organizations have been trained in Stephen Ministry. Want to know more? Please call Pastor Mike at 334-2012 or Sue Hill at 334-1273.

Boy Scout Troop 79 has recently made some important improvements to the SCOUT CABIN, which is owned by St. James. They are also in the process of trying to replace some of the couches, sofas, seats, and recliners. If you would like to donate any of your unwanted furniture that is still in good shape, please contact Tony Bach at (717) 337-2781 and arrangements will be made to pick up your furniture. Thank you for your continued support and prayers for Boy Scout Troop 79 and Cub Scout Pack 79.


The word is out that St. James serves THE BEST MEATLOAF at the Soup Kitchen. Since we are now serving at least 80 slices of meatloaf monthly, we need your help! We ask that you bake and freeze a three pound OR two 1½ pound loaves and put into the freezer in the church kitchenette (main floor) by the fourth Sunday of the month. Any recipe is acceptable. Please let Donna Mountfort (677-8508) OR Greta Englund (259-6113) know if you can help. Again, a super thanks to Glorianne Hutchison and Susan Roach for their monthly meatloaf!

St. James Church Directory – Last Chance to Submit Photos, Etc.

Last Chance Photo Opportunity – If you missed having your family’s photo taken for the directory this summer you may submit a photo to be included by Monday, September 30. Hard copy photos can be dropped off in the church office or e-mail your photo to [email protected].

Photos Needed for the Directory Activity Pages – Once again we are looking for your photos of events related to St. James to be part of the church directory and/or website. Share your pictures of weddings, baptisms, and other celebrations. (We will take your submission as permission for their use in the directory and/or website.) Hard copy photos can be dropped off in the church office or e-mail your photos to [email protected] by Monday, September 30.

Photos Available for Pick-up in the Church Office – If you had your picture taken in June, July or August and did not order any additional photos – your free 8 x 10 photo is in the church office for you to pick up (in a basket, on the desk, next to the copiers).

Members and friends of St. James are invited to attend the installation of Pastor Lisa Leber on Sunday, October 13 at 4:00 pm at First Evangelical Lutheran Church, 21 S. Bedford St., Carlisle, PA.

FLU SHOTS will once again be available before and after both worship services on Sunday, October 13, at a cost of $29 if you do not have Medicare. (Our thanks to Margie Keyser for overseeing this project, which is under the auspices of our Health Ministry Committee!)


August 25, 2013 John P. “Jack” Keefer

August 27, 2013 Gary L. Welch

September 17, 2013 R. Delroy Keller


September 8, 2013 Anden Kasen Dutrow


October 6, 1951 Donald C. & Jacqueline S. Uber 62 years

October 10, 1953 Robert N. & Joanne J. Heflin 60 years

October 20, 1951 William E. & Ellen V. Troxell 62 years

October 24, 1954 William I. & Helen V. Jacobs 59 years

Youth News

  • If you enjoy hanging out with teenagers and would like to volunteer a few hours each month, please contact Youth Minister Sally Hoh!
  • We could use a few more ADULT CHAPERONES on Sunday evenings from 5:15-6:30 with Middle School youth and/or from 7:30-9:00 pm with High School youth.
  • We are also looking for some DISHWASHERS to help from 7:00-7:30 on Wednesday mornings. Please e-mail Sally at [email protected] or call her at the church at 334-2012 ext. 207.
  • COLLEGE STUDENTS – We’re updating our list of current college students and their address so we can send care packages this fall before final exams. Please send contact info to Sally Hoh at [email protected] OR Jean Uhlig at [email protected].
  • ** Also, if you would like to receive The Messenger via e-mail, please send your e-mail address to Debby Nimtz at [email protected].


MONDAY STUDY GROUP meets at 7:30 pm at 38 East Broadway, Gettysburg. Pr. Fritz Foltz leads the group in the study of “The Gospel According to St. John” and welcomes new members of all ages!

(Pr. Foltz will also begin another ONLINE COURSE on Wednesday, October 16 on “The Gospel According to St. John,” taking into consideration why this one is so different from the other gospels. You can use the site at http://frontlinestudy.com to participate or to sign up for weekly e-mails.)

THURS MORNING BIBLE STUDY meets from 9:45-11:00 am in the gathering area, along with snacks and coffee. They are currently discussing, “What it means to be ‘content’ as a Christian and how that boosts your health!” All are welcome to attend as your schedule allows!!

ADULT DISCUSSION CLASS meets on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:30 in ROOM 200, at the end of the main hallway. Judy Leslie is the contact and invites you to join us as your schedule allows:

  • Oct. 6 – “Work of PGL in Nicaragua” – Adult Forum in the WORSHIP AREA
  • Oct. 13 – “Poverty in Adams County” – led by Megan Shreve, Executive Director of SCCAP
  • Oct. 20 – “Luther on Poverty (1)” – led by Baird Tipson
  • Oct. 27 – “Luther on Poverty (2)” – led by Baird Tipson


Do you like to….

Eat good food?

Meet new friends?

Or reconnect with old ones?

Then the St. James Dinner Groups are for you–enjoy Christian fellowship over good food in the homes of new friends and old. It’s so simple! You’ll be matched with a group of six to eight people, couples or singles, to meet in one another’s homes. The host provides the entree, while the other participants provide the side dishes and dessert. Can’t host? No worries—it’s not a prerequisite! Need a ride? Transportation will be arranged. Know someone who is not a member of St James but would enjoy the fellowship of our dinner groups? They can be included. Groups are formed in the fall and meet through spring–all the groups join together for a summer potluck picnic. Any questions? Ask a member of the Evangelism Committee. Please sign up by Sunday, October 13 on the sign-up sheets which are located in the Gathering Area.

Mission Fund in Action

This month we are recognizing Adams County Literacy Council, which has received money from the 2013 Mission Fund, made possible by the generosity of members and families of St. James. The mission of Adams County Literacy Council is “to promote literacy in Adams County, empowering adults to take charge of their lives in order to attain goals, participate fully in society and achieve to their fullest potential by improving literacy and life skills.” The support requested was for the Downtown Tutoring Center at Manos Unidas Hispanic American Center on High Street in Gettysburg. The project involves outreach to non-English speaking neighbors to provide English instruction as well as basic literacy skills, including reading, writing, health literacy, computer literacy, and financial literacy. The downtown Tutoring Center currently provides direct services to 25 adult students and hopes to grow the number to 40. Volunteerism of the Literacy Council is at the heart of their work and significance in the community. Assessment of educational gain and student goals met is done regularly, using the Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System.

Results of Special September 15 Congregation Meeting

MOTION: “Funding needed for the Worship Area Renewal Project, ‘Re-Pitching the Tent,’ beyond cash available from gifts, pledges, the Memorial Fund, and the Undesignated Bequests Fund, will be taken from the St. James Endowment Fund, not to exceed $235,000. All future gifts and pledges received from the Worship Area Renewal project will be deposited in the Endowment Fund to return the fund balance to current levels as soon as possible.” After much discussion, motion passed unanimously.

Gettysburg C.A.R.E.S. is in the midst of planning for the 2013-2014 season. Here are some important dates to remember! All are invited!

  • September 30: Training for volunteers at 7:00 pm in the library at St. James. If you volunteered last year, you do not need to go through the training again. We need new volunteers!
  • October 24: Blessings of the Slentz House/Resource Center, beginning at 5:00 pm. Gather on the sidewalk outside 117 York Street (beside the church). Tours of the house and light refreshments will follow the blessing ceremony!
  • November 4-17: St. James will be the first host church for these two weeks! We need volunteers. Host volunteers can sign up in the Gathering Area. We’d like two hosts each evening! All other volunteers, contact Nancy Lilley at: [email protected].
  • Prayers and contributions are always welcome to support the mission of Gettysburg C.A.R.E.S. Checks are to be made payable to Gettysburg C.A.R.E.S., and mailed to PO Box 3005, Gettysburg, PA 17325.

Lay Home Communion Ministers Training

On Sunday, October 27, at 12:00 noon, Pastor Mike and Pastor Jeanette will hold a training time for persons who wish to take Holy Communion to our homebound members not able to attend worship on a regular basis. This is a special pastoral ministry to those who are wish to be nourished by Holy Communion but are unable to travel outside their homes on a regular basis. For those who already perform this ministry, you are also invited to attend. Please consider joining us for this training time. If you have questions, please talk with one of the pastors. Our pastors will continue to visit our homebound members, but this will allow us to perform better pastoral care to our members who are sick and suffering.


  • Submitted by Corresponding Secretary Claire Anderson
  • Congregation Council held a picnic dinner meeting on September 18, 2013 at 5:30 pm.


Worship Area Renewal Project

The congregation voted to support the Worship Area Renewal Project with funds from the Endowment Fund (per the motion) by a unanimous vote. Members of the Endowment Committee will meet to work out the details this month. The Design Committee will meet to finalize the details; Gary Shaffer will place orders for materials following this meeting.

2013 Budget

Tom Young made a motion to accept Budget and Child Care reports; Carol Widerman seconded. Office & Finance Manager Mella DeNoma reported that St. James needed to delay the monthly contribution to Synod in order to maintain the cash balance in the checking account. St. James did send all other benevolence commitments. (St. James made an additional $34,000 contribution to the Synod in March, which exceeds our annual commitment.)

Committee Reports

Council approved a motion to appoint Ryan Fox to the Endowment Committee. Ryan’s expertise will be valuable during their next two meetings. Council will recommend his name for the ballot at the next Congregation Meeting.

Youth News

Council approved the motion made by Youth Minister Sally Hoh to support two youth fundraisers this fall. These are fellowship opportunities for the members and families of St. James that also provide additional money to be added to the “Workcamp/National Youth Gathering” fund. This account needs to be continually replenished each year to provide funds for the summer 2014 Workcamps and for the 2015 National Youth Gathering.

C.A.R.E.S. Update

Pastor Michael Allwein, Ken Unger, and Ray Hopkins will be the C.A.R.E.S. liaison representatives. They will review the contract with help from the attorney, and sign the contract before the Slentz House opens.

Council News

Council regretfully accepted the resignation of Lori Steinour.

October 2013 – Children & Youth Ministry

We Are The Church!

“The human body has many parts, but the many parts make up one whole body. So it is with the body of Christ. All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.”

I Corinthians:12,27

Just the F.A.C.T.S. (Forgiven And Called To Serve!) Children, youth and adults are invited to join us for an Apple Gleaning Service Project on Sunday, October 6 from 1 to 4 pm. Meet at St. James’ parking lot at 1 pm. The Baughers have graciously invited us to gather apples to feed the hungry! The apples will be donated to community agencies helping those in need. Contact Sally (334-2012 ext. 207 or [email protected]) to sign up so we can plan transportation!

High School Reading Group with Pastor and Mrs. Foltz will begin October 23rd at 5:30 pm! The group will meet Nov. 13 and Dec. 11.

Fundraisers for Workcamp 2014! The Youth Committee is very grateful for the generous support received for the 19 youth who attended workcamp this past summer! As we gear up for Summer 2014, we intend to offer fewer fundraisers, focusing more on service and faith development.

Dinner at Hoss’s Steakhouse on Wednesday, October 9th. 20% of the proceeds will be returned to St. James! Please take along one of the little green cards found on the Youth bulletin board outside the church office.

College Students! We’re updating our list of current college students and their addresses so we can send care packages this fall before final exams. Please send contact info to Sally Hoh or Jean Uhlig so we don’t miss anyone!

The Halloween Party will take place on Tuesday, October 22 at 6:30 pm! Children and youth are invited to come to the Youth House in costume and enjoy some Halloween treats before the parade! (Rain date is Oct. 29.)

Elementary Youth Group began on September 25! If you did not receive registration materials, additional forms are available on the Youth bulletin board outside the church office. The schedule is:

  • 3:30 – 4:15 pm K-2nd grade in the Youth House (3rd-5th grade Jubilant Choir in the Choir Room)
  • 4:15 – 5 pm 3rd-5th grade in the Youth House (K-2nd grade Alleluia Choir in the Choir Room)

Youth Group for Middle and High School Youth has begun! Friends are always welcome. The schedule is:

  • Middle School Youth Group 5:15 – 6:30 pm
  • Koinonia Choir (6th-12th grade) 6:30 – 7:30 pm
  • High School Youth Group 7:30 – 9 pm
  • Combined MS/HS Youth Group on October 13! We’ll have a Movie Night from 7 to 9 pm. Invite your friends!

If you enjoy hanging out with teenagers and would like to volunteer a few hours/month, please let Sally Hoh know. We could use a few more adult chaperones on Sunday evenings.